Svenska Deutsch English

Olsbacka Gård

Road directions

GPS coordinates:

WGS 84 (lat, lon): N 60° 33.030', E 15° 32.670'
WGS 84 decimal (lat, lon): 60.55050, 15.54450
RT90: 6714807, 1485700
SWEREF99 TM: 6712846, 529865

From Falun

Take Road E16 towards Borlänge.
After approx 7 km turn off towards "Aspeboda" and "Olsbacka".
Continue for 1.3 km and then turn left towards "Ornäs".
After 500 m on this road, there is a gravel road on the right leading down to the estate. There is a sign with "Bo på Lantgård" by the entrance.
From here, it is 300 m to the estate.

From Borlänge

Take Road E16 towards Falun.
After 11 km turn off towards "Aspeboda" and "Olsbacka".
Continue for 1.3 km and then turn left towards "Ornäs".
After 500 m on this road, there is a gravel road on the right leading down to the estate. There is a sign with "Bo på Lantgård" by the entrance. From here, it is 300 m to the estate.

The entrance sign